Music Time Machine

Music Time Machine is an educational and entertainment event that aims to educate people about the cultural and artistic importance of music, establish musical collaborations and to have fun.

In Music Time Machine you have the opportunity to see collector's copies of gramophone records, listen and compare them with CD, cassette and .mp3.

Before the mp3 revolution, Youtube, CDs and cassettes, music distribution was represented by a gramophone record. In the beginning, it had a modest duration of 3-5 minutes, and with later technological solutions this was extended to 26 minutes. Since the record has two sides this gives it a total capacity of 52 minutes. Such record is called Long Play (LP). In addition to music, special attention is paid to covers that have their own graphic design and typography. LP thus becomes Album Record and graphic design becomes Album Cover, terms also used in digital music distribution. 

Classical music appears on the first albums followed by jazz. The rise of the album in the music industry began with the Beatles and 1970s are considered the golden era of the album, when music industry exploded and even surpassed Hollywood. 

Visitors can see a variety of music media, hear the sound of vinyl, on old and new sound systems, and browse famous music books.

Get to know the beginnings of electronic music and what it means to artists today. 

Listen to music professionals and see how the music mix works.


Meet authors, collectors and producers because Music Time Machine is a unique experience of education and fun.